For enrolling to course you need to fill in a registration form.
After you have submitted the registration form, you will get an email with the details about transferring your donation. Your place is secured after your donation is arrived (or a mutual agreement for different reciprocation is made). Then your will receive another email with the joining information.
Approach to Lakshmi (money):
I am trying to live the concept of compassionate giving and receiving, which includes my relationship to the exchange of Lakshmi (money). I want to acknowledge that we all have very different access to resources from country to country and from person to person.
Therefore, I invite you to move from a market-based approach to a needs-based process for choosing how much you will give. Because it may be a new perspective, I am offering a few choices:
for First Time Participant - between€150-€200 for Reviewer* - between€75-100
*People who have completed Empathic Communcication Trainings online or in-person.
NB! We care that everyone interested has access to our courses. Therefore, if the above-proposed amounts do not suit your financial reality, please contact Madhuri Radhikato discuss possible alternative options.
Transfer details will be provided upon registration.