"I took the Empathic Communication course, levels one and two, in two successive years at summer camps in Europe. His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami was the instructor.
While I found the first course interesting and intriguing, it was the second course that had a big impact on my life and service.
By connecting with my own feelings and needs, and then connecting with the feelings and needs of others, I found giving guidance and help to others energizing me instead of being depleting. There became a common ground between me and others on both a theological and practical level, regardless of the differences in culture, upbringing, and point of view.
It became easier to help others help themselves rather than prescribing solutions. By separating objective facts from interpretation, a kind of peaceful and stable detachment naturally follows. I highly recommend this book and course for anyone who would like to expand their "techniques of spiritual life".
---Urmila devi dasi, New Goloka, Hillsborough, North Carolina, US
English-Chinese Empathic Communication Seminar, six sessions by Sri Radhika devi dasi, 2022 (with English translation)