Empathy is a Universal Human Need for being deeply understood. We can think of it as a respectful or compassionate understanding. When offering empathy, we embody a quality of being completely present with what is alive in the other person moment to moment. Therefore, empathy has a quality of following, rather than leading. PuddleDancer Press. www.nonviolentcommunication.com
An Empathy Buddy is Essential for Success!
Empathy can seem foreign because it is so different from the way we have been taught to communicate. Most of us have learned to listen-to-respond rather than listen-to-understand. This makes it challenging when we reach out to others for empathic support.
An empathy buddy can help move you forward in your EC skills, by helping you be more connected to your feelings, needs, and requests. An empathy buddy does not have to be a complex or complicated arrangement. It can simply start with agreeing to an empathic listening exchange with one other person. Over time, people can develop multiple “empathy buddies” in order to have ample support. Whether you are a well-seasoned EC veteran or this is the first time you are seeing Empathic Communication and empathy in the same sentence, everyone can benefit from a healthy, active empathic support system!"
Fortnigthly Empathy Sanga - Practice Makes One Perfect
We need empathy for being empathic with others.
Fortnightly Empathy Sanga is meant for the devotees who would like to maintain and deepen their empathy skills and get regular empathy support. We kindly require you to have at least EC basic training before joining Empathy Sanga.